Subscribing to Hooks
During runtime, Cornell triggers blinker signals that will allow you to modify or extend some of the out-of-the-box functionality. At this point, the following is available:
- Replacing default logging service
- Modifying the listed cassette path (for example, if you prefer not to save your cassettes locally)
The list of signals can be found in cornell/
from cornell.signals import logging_setup, process_cassette_file
@logging_setup.connectdef setup_logging_service(_): return logging_service
@process_cassette_file.connectdef download_cassette_file(cassette_file_path): storage = CornellCassettesStorage(logging_service) return
@click.command(cls=CornellCmdOptions)def start_mock_service(**kwargs): start_cornell(**kwargs)
if __name__ == "__main__": start_mock_service()
In the above example:
- We're replacing the default logging service with our own.
- Every time Cornell requires a cassette file in runtime, we're downloading it from our dedicated storage.
Note: Additional signals can be easily added. Please feel free to open a PR or an Issue!