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Adding Custom Matchers

In some cases you'd want to add custom request macthers to Cornell. This can be easily done using the wrapper we created in the above example, with the additional_vcr_matchers param:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import clickimport jsonfrom vcr.util import read_bodyfrom cornell.cornell_server import CornellCmdOptions, start_cornellfrom cornell.cornell_helpers import json_in_headersfrom cornell.custom_matchers import requests_match_conditions

# Custom Matcher@requests_match_conditions(json_in_headers, lambda request: request.body)def vcr_json_custom_body_matcher(received_request, cassette_request):    received_request_dict = json.loads(read_body(received_request))    cassette_request_dict = json.loads(read_body(cassette_request))    if received_request_dict == cassette_request_dict or "special_params" not in received_request_dict:        return True    return is_specially_matched(received_request_dict, cassette_request_dict)

@click.command(cls=CornellCmdOptions)def start_mock_service(**kwargs):    start_cornell(additional_vcr_matchers=[vcr_json_custom_body_matcher], **kwargs)

if __name__ == "__main__":    start_mock_service()

In this example, we've added vcr_json_custom_body_matcher as an additional_vcr_matchers. Notice that Cornell also provides the requests_match_conditions decorator, in case you'd want to activate your matcher only under specific circumstances.

Note: If you're adding a custom matcher that actually implements standard protocols that can be widely used, kindly consider adding it as PR to Cornell. Your contribution will be really appreciated!