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Starting Cornell from Your Own Module

In order to extend Cornell with additional matchers, or register to its hooks, you will first need to start the Cornell service from your own internal module. This can be easily done by inheriting CornellCmdOptions click from cornell.cornell_server

For example: In a separate module (i.e., create the following:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import clickfrom pathlib import Pathfrom cornell.cornell_server import CornellCmdOptions, start_cornell
@click.command(cls=CornellCmdOptions)@click.option('--hello', default=False, is_flag=True, help="Say hello")def start_mock_service(hello, **kwargs):    cassettes_dir = Path(__file__).absolute().parent/"mock_service"    if hello:        print("Hello from Cornell :)")        return    start_cornell(cassettes_dir=cassettes_dir, **kwargs)

if __name__ == "__main__":    start_mock_service()

In this example, we modified the following:

  • Set a default cassettes_dir. When the wrapper is executed, it will be used instead of the default directory
  • Added another command argument, to extend possible functionality


./tasks_worker/tests/ --hello

will result in:

Hello from Cornell :)

Running the same command without arguments will start Cornell with its default cassettes_dir.